Free Monthly Dividend Calculator

Use our dividend calculator to estimate the income your dividend stock portfolio will generate over time

Choose a stock to calculate dividend data

Number of shares


Share price


Monthly contribution


Initial annual dividend yield


Expected annual dividend amount increase


Expected annual share price appreciation


Dividend tax rate


Payment frequency

Dividend reinvestment?

Years invested



What is the dividend calculator?

A Monthly Dividend Calculator estimates the monthly income from your dividend-paying investments. It calculates the dividends you can expect to receive each month based on the number of shares you own and the dividend per share.

How do I use the Monthly Dividend Calculator?

Simply enter the ticker of the company you wish to analyze. Some of the fields, such as the share price, and the initial annual dividend yield will populate themselves. You can even change them yourself. The rest will have default values that you can edit. You can then click on ‘Calculate Dividend’ to get your monthly dividend income along with other metrics and graphs.

Why is it important to calculate my monthly dividends?

When you know your monthly dividend income, you make better financial plans, budget, and manage your investments more effectively.

Is the Monthly Dividend Calculator free to use?

Yes, our Monthly Dividend Calculator is free to use and accessible to all investors looking to manage their dividend portfolios more effectively.

Can I use the calculator for multiple stocks?

Yes, you can use the calculator for multiple stocks. Simply input the ticker of the stock along with your specific use case values or go for the default numbers to estimate the total monthly dividend income for your entire portfolio.

How accurate is the Monthly Dividend Calculator?

The accuracy of the calculator depends on the accuracy of the data you input. You should use the most recent and reliable information on dividend payments and share prices.

Does the calculator consider dividend reinvestment?

Yes, the calculator considers monthly dividend reinvestment.

Where can I find information on dividend-paying stocks?

You can find information on dividend-paying stocks from financial news websites, such as Yahoo Finance, Google Finance etc., or stock market analysis platforms, or the investor relations pages of individual companies.